In the previous post, we used Erathostenes sieve to generate all the primes below a given limit \(N\). Using a modified version of this sieve, we could compute for any integer below \(N\) their prime decomposition. That is for any \(n < N\) we produce the unique list \((p_i, q_i)_i\) such that \((p_i)_i\) is prime, \(p_i < p_{i+1}\), and:
\[n = \prod_{i = 1}^{k} p_i^{q_i}\]Using Erathostenes sieve, we created an array of booleans \(x_k\) such that after applying the sieve, \(x_k\) is set to true if and only if \(k\) is prime. In this case, we create an array of integer \(f_k\) such that \(f_k\) is a prime factor of \(k\). This array can be computed in a similar way as Erathostenes sieve:
- Create an integer array f of size N and initialize it to 0.
- For every integer n between \(2\) and \(N-1\), if \(f_n\) is 0 then n is prime. In that case, set \(f_{mn}\) to n for every m greater than 1.
Once the f array has been computed up to index n (inclusive), it is easy to obtain the prime decomposition of n recursively: we compute the prime decomposition of \(n / f_n\) and then add the missing exponent.
We also use the sieve optimization from the previous post so that the f array can be produced in quasi-linear time. In this case, \(f_n\) is a prime factor of \(2n+3\) and powers of 2 have to be handled separately. This is done in the following snippet for generating the f array:
let factors max_n =
let open Bigarray in
let size = (max_n - 3) / 2 in
let f = Array1.create int c_layout (size + 1) in
for n = 0 to size do Array1.set f n 0 done;
for n = 0 to size do
if Array1.get f n = 0 then (
let nn = 2 * n + 3 in
Array1.set f n nn;
let m_times_n = ref (2 * n * n + 6 * n + 3) in
while !m_times_n < size do
Array1.set f !m_times_n nn;
m_times_n := !m_times_n + nn;
For the prime decomposition function using the f array, note that we first introduce a function log_p that takes as input two integers n and p and returns a pair (q, m) such that \(n = p^qm\) where q is maximized, or equivalently if p is prime, where m and p are coprime.
let dec f n =
let rec log_p acc n p =
if n mod p <> 0 then acc, n
else log_p (acc + 1) (n / p) p
let rec aux acc n =
if n = 1 then acc
let p = Bigarray.Array1.get f ((n-3)/2) in
let q, n = log_p 0 n p in
aux ((p, q) :: acc) n
let q2, n = log_p 0 n 2 in
List.sort compare (aux (if q2 = 0 then [] else [2, q2]) n)
The complexity of this function is in \(O(\log(n)\log(\log(n)))\) as it is mainly caused by the last sort operation.
An example of how to use these two functions together can be found in this gist. Performance-wise, the optimized sieve to generate all primes below \(10^8\) took 1.2s on my ChromeBook. Generating the factors array on the same machine is significantly slower and takes 2.2s, this could be explained as the array is now 8 times larger than the previous array (using some int32 here would help).